
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Creating Your Very Own Food Blog

If you are someone that is passionate about making and eating food, then creating a food blog may be something that you may be interested in doing. You could start a blog as a hobby, for your own amusement. Or, you could build a business around your blog. It is entirely possible that with the right amount of effort, you could create your very own food blog that you can earn enough money to live off. 

Where To Start

The first thing that you will need to do is to choose your website and the name for the blog that you will use. You can buy your domain name for your blog and this will help to give it a professional edge. 

Next up, you will need to create a name. Once you have that, you can get to work on starting to create a website. If you are any good at graphic design or know someone who can help; create a logo for the top of your blog. Make it look professional, neat, and eyecatching in order to draw in the attention of potential readers. 

Pick a website that you will use. Commonly used blog sites that you create professional level pages including Wordpress and Wix. Both of these sites have templates that you can easily set up yourself to make them look great. 

Honing Your Niche

Before you create posts for your site such as this strawberry cake recipe, you will need to practice and get your apron on and make as many items as possible that you will photograph and list the recipes for. You will need to always have a steady stream of posts, so be sure and stagger your posts so that they are not all hitting your site all at once. You will hopefully get lots of readers, and as much as they will enjoy your content, you don’t want to overwhelm anyone by posting too much. You do need to try and post daily though as this helps to maintain momentum as you build up your followers. It is also good for your website’s search engine rankings as the search engines will look more favorable knowing that it is a sit that is used and is continually being developed. 

Building Up Your Views

There are many ways that you can generate readers for your blog. Firstly, you can take to social media and share your posts. If you already have a reasonable following, you can try and get them to read your content. Otherwise, start social media accounts to go with your new blog and start to build up followings on thereby promoting yourself through any food and drinks groups, 

You will need to consistently work at creating a relationship with your social media following. That may mean posting and chatting with them in the comments sections. Not only does this help to get your page seen, it helps you to get some valuable feedback on the types of posts that people want to see. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Avoiding the Panic Of Not Having the Proper Ingredients

If you’ve ever cooked anything before (and let’s assume you have), you’ll know how quickly the panic can set in the moment you realise you don’t have all of the ingredients you need. For both novice and experienced chefs, this can throw you off your game entirely, and it’s easy to allow the panic to soak in and cling on almost immediately. 

There are few things worse than the realisation that you don’t have the ingredients, but it doesn’t need to be the end of the world. While it’s not ideal that you’re missing this spice or that vegetable, there are ways to overcome it without having a breakdown in the middle of your kitchen. 

If you’re someone who regularly forgets key ingredients no matter how much of a culinary pro your family might believe you to be, here are some easy ways to get your recipe back on track with your dinner guests being none the wiser. 

Find an Alternative

In most cases, switching up one ingredient for another is unlikely to change much of the flavour so if you realise you’re low of thyme, marjoram, or garam masala, look for something close to it that could be hiding at the back of your cupboard. 

The more significant problems come if you live somewhere the main ingredients are not native to. Lemon chicken, for example, is difficult to make correctly in Thailand due to the ready availability of lemons (unless you’re willing to spend a fortune). While there are fruits with similar tastes, it’s just not the same. 

It might also be that you’ve been a little lax with your preparation this year. So, if you’ve decided to make a pumpkin pie but everywhere is sold out, not surprising considering the time of year, then you should still be able to get your hands on a can of pumpkin pie filling that will be just as effective. 

Get Creative

If you can’t find a decent alternative in your kitchen cupboards, then it’s time to get creative. In fact, one thing that all chefs both professional and casual love is the opportunity to get creative, even if it’s for nobody else but themselves. 

Let’s say you’re hoping to roast up a rotisserie chicken, but you don’t have the proper premade rub from the supermarket. For less ambitious chefs, this could cause them to give up altogether, cancel the plans, and hide away in their room until they’re next inspired to make something. But doing this lets down everyone who was eagerly waiting for their chicken dinner.

Instead of giving up, consider what type of flavours make up your desired seasoning or rub and then have a look around the house to see how close you can get to that flavour. Things like garlic, onion, and cumin are all common spices, and the combinations with others can be endless. 

Often, it’s this creativity that can transform a dish from something traditional that you’ve always made into something that tastes like nothing you’ve ever had before, in the best way possible, of course. 

Taking Stock

Of course, the best way to prevent having the wrong ingredients is to keep the fridge and cupboards fully stocked all year-round. This allows you to dip in and pick out whatever you like without ever worrying about being low on supplies. The easiest way to do this is through wholesale purchases, which work out cheaper and last longer than regular supermarket trips. 

If wholesales aren’t possible, then create a list of items you know you always need. This allows you to pick them up every time you’re at the store and ensures you’ll never be left wishing you had a specific ingredient again. If you’re trying a new recipe, make sure you know everything you need before stepping out the door. 

Accept Defeat

While there are some ways to overcome your forgetfulness, sometimes it’s just not worth it, and in these moments, it’s better to accept defeat than to stress yourself out. This may come as a disappointment for most, you included, but it’s better than serving up something that isn’t to your high cooking standards. 

Just because you’ve given up doesn’t mean the food should go to waste. If there is anything salvageable, then consider packing it into recyclable or reusable containers and donating it to local charities and shelters. 

Becoming a Better Cook

Home cooking is always about learning, and there’s no such thing as becoming the perfect chef. With every meal, you learn something different, you get to try out new things, and you get to explore your creative side. In some cases, not having the right ingredients can have their benefits, and it could be the best mistake you’ve ever made. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Making Cooking as Easy and Straightforward as Possible

Some of us love cooking. Some of us don’t. Either way, we all have to eat and preparing and cooking meals can take a great deal of time in our day to day lives - especially if we want to lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle. The good news is that cooking can be made easy and there are various things you can do to get great meals without having to put too much effort in! Here are a few pieces of advice that should help to simplify the process for your!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Meating Place: Doing A Healthy Version Of A Barbecue

Let's face it; when there are so many tasty treats in the world, it makes dieting a significant challenge! As the summer is nearly over, it is time to get the barbecue out, but because barbecues create such an unhealthy, fatty, albeit tasty, meal, are there any ways for us to do a healthy version of it?

Grill It!
Grilling is a great healthy alternative to a barbecue because you can let all the fats dribble out but also avoid that chargrilled flavor which isn't particularly good for you. But the great thing about grilling is that it gives you the opportunity to get rid of all the fat, the big problem with barbecues is that worry if the inside of the meat is cooked or not, and when you worry about something like the turkey burger internal temp and if it is high enough, it can threaten to derail your barbecue. So if you want to avoid food poisoning, grilling is a particularly healthy alternative. You don't need to get the actual barbecue out, but instead, you can put everything in the oven. This is always a convenient alternative when the weather is terrible!

Pick A Healthy Protein
While a lot of people don't like fat, we have to remember that there are good fats in many types of fish such as salmon and trout. When you pick a healthy protein, it's usually best to go for skinless chicken and other lean meats. Picking the right portions is crucial. If you're going to stay healthy, or you're looking to lose weight, a healthy portion of meat is usually around 3 ounces or the size of a deck of cards. Many people use an outdoor barbecue as an excuse to go all out but if you don't need to pile your plate high, and you are watching what you eat, portions and protein a crucial. Let's not forget, filling up on protein is a great way to reduce the temptation for those carbs.

Picking Healthier Sides
As tasty as those baked beans, macaroni salad, and coleslaw are, they can have a lot of added sugars. If you like those things called that you can go for healthy homemade versions. As well as this, go for something with a lot more colors. Something like a leafy green salad doesn't have to be boring; you can still flavor up these vegetables with lemon juice and various herbs. A colorful bean salad, comprising of various pulses is also a great way to get a healthy dose of fiber.

Pick Healthier Buns
It gives you that extra dose of fiber, as well as various textures. If you're trying to go keto, you can get rid of the bun completely, and try something like an open face burger, where you've got the meats, but an abundance of salad surrounding it. You could also use lettuce as a wrap, especially if you are going for fajitas. If you're looking for an extra bit of health, perhaps going gluten-free will be easier on your stomach!

Vegetable Kebabs
The great thing about kebabs is that they look wonderful, and you don't even need meat! It's all about how you flavor them. Be sure to cut them into pieces that will cook quickly, and also ensure that you brush them with a healthy oil to stop them sticking. There is no limit to what you can do! From mushrooms, corn, potatoes, avocado, and so on, you can add a rainbow of colors to a standard kebab.

Don't Forget Dessert!
As a barbecue is usually an opportunity to go completely unhealthy, if you want to make the entire experience a healthy one, you still need to pack a punch with that dessert. As lovely as it is to go for all those sugary treats, grilling fruits is a perfect opportunity to get a bit more fiber, as well as flavor, into the mix. Grilling fruit in high heat helps the natural sugars to caramelize, giving you that extra bit of sweetness. Slicing apples, pineapples, or plums, putting them on a skewer and letting them grill is a perfect way to add a dose of sweetness. Get some low-fat natural yogurt, a little bit of honey or agave nectar, and you have a perfectly sweet treat.

You don't need to fall off the wagon if you're going to a barbecue. In fact, if you want to make sure that you don't, having your own is the best way to keep everything healthy. You don't need an abundance of fats, and if you are looking to lose weight, grilling everything, while also watching the sides and desserts you consume is crucial.

Friday, August 30, 2019

3 Important Rules For Safe Dieting

When you’re trying to lose weight, it can feel like you’re not making much progress, even though you’re doing everything right. Weight loss is a long journey and you can’t expect results overnight, but some people are impatient. When people are trying to get instant results, they will resort to extreme diets that drastically cut out most of their calories or seriously limit their diet to a few simple foods. While those diets might help you to lose weight quickly, it can be dangerous and you risk missing out on a lot of your nutrition. Those diets are not sustainable either and you’re likely to put the weight back on when you go back to normal eating habits. You don’t want to put your health at risk by losing weight, so you need to make sure that you’re doing it safely. These are some of the best tips on dieting safely.

Cut Calories Slowly 

Cutting back on calories so you are consuming less than you are burning off is the core of any diet, but it’s important that you don’t take it too far. If you suddenly drop from 2000 calories a day to 500, you’re likely to have deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals because you simply aren’t eating enough different foods. Your body isn’t used to functioning on such a small number of calories either, so you’re going to have a serious problem with your energy levels. The best thing to do is to cut calories slowly by around 100 or 200 a day. This is still enough to make a difference over time and you can gradually reduce the number of calories that you consume so your body has time to adjust. The most important thing is that you don’t just eat less food, you have to eat yourself thin by switching the bad foods for good ones that have fewer calories and more nutrients. That way, your body is still getting everything that it needs and you cut calories. 

Take The Advice Of Your Doctor 

Before you make any big lifestyle change, it’s important to seek professional advice from a doctor and ask how it might affect you. This is especially important if you have other health problems to deal with. You should see your primary care provider and ask them whether it is safe for you to change your diet at the minute. They will be able to give you some good advice to make sure that you’re dieting safely and you are not causing damage to your health without realizing it. 

Eat Properly After Exercising 

Exercise is an important part of your diet routine but one of the biggest mistakes that people make is not eating properly afterwards. They worry that eating a big meal will just undo all of the good work that they did in the gym. But your body needs the right nutrition to recover properly after a workout and if you don’t get it, you risk injury. It’s important to eat after working out and it won’t be a problem as long as you choose healthy foods. 

As long as you follow these basic rules, you can diet the safe way and avoid any health problems. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Wedding Catering Ideas - Grazing Tables, Dessert Stations and Food Vans

When it comes to planning a wedding there is a lot to consider for your special day! After locking in a wedding photographer, wedding dj and wedding videographer, the next most vital component is surely catering!

We figured that you have enough on your plate (pun intended) so we’ll help you decide what to put on your guests’ plates for your magical evening. In this post we are going to be running you through all of the essentials when it comes to sorting out your wedding catering!

Of course, the most crucial decision you make will likely be in relation to what kind of cuisine you would like to see served. The options are limitless these days and wedding food sure has come a long way since what once meant an elegant sit-down dinner. Now you see all kinds of cool and quirky ideas for wedding food floating around on Pinterest! We love these sorts of unconventional food ideas that test the boundaries of what we usually expect from a wedding ceremony.

Snack Station
Compile a list of all your favourite snacks and serve them all together at the one station! You can have an assortment of popcorn and corndogs or perhaps you prefer jolly ranchers and Hershey’s kisses.

Food Van
Sometimes it works out just as economical to hire a food truck for the day rather than pay for catering. After all, there is no need for place settings, cutlery or clean up! This is the perfect relaxed food option for any casual wedding with enough land to spread out some different options.

Grazing Tables
These days grazing tables are a fantastic way of displaying large quantities of food while also offering variety. You can provide guests with loads of cheese, dips, crackers and antipasto so they can indulge as much as their heart desires.

Desserts Station
Everyone loves a good desserts station serving up donut walls, candy buffets and complete with a milk and cookie bar. We love the idea of a popcorn or pizza station that way guests can help themselves as they become hungry. 

Serving up tacos or burritos at your wedding will surely be a hit with your guests. Everyone loves Mexican food - just add tequila!

Now that we have sorted the catering, we will leave you to look for a wedding photographer and wedding photography prices, wedding dj or wedding videographer if you haven’t found these already!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Keen For More Quinoa? Let Us Show You How!

Quinoa, pronounced Keen-wa is a superfood and contains all 8 essential amino acids and over 8 grams of protein per portion. It also contains no gluten and stuffed with nutrients like phosphorus and iron that the modern diet can often lack. Of course, with all those benefits it's crucial that we try and get more of this glorious stuff into our diets. Something that the post below can help with.

Cooking quinoa

Before you can include it in any dish, you need first to master the art of cooking quinoa. Luckily, this isn't too tough a challenge to perfect, especially if you follow the guideline at for preparing quinoa in a rice cooker. Something that will ensure you can perfectly cooked, and fluffy results each and every time.


One of the easiest way to include more quinoa in your family's diet is to mix it into a salad. Of course, you can go for something simple like chopped tomatoes, onions, and cucumber, but to really get them on board why not add a super tasty dressing as well, like the recipe below suggests?

Cooked quinoa 1 cup per person
Cherry tomato halved ½ per person
Red onions, ¼ cup per person
Artichokes in oil - drained ¼ per person
Olives green or kalamata ¼ cup per person halved
Cucumber chopped ¼ cup per person  

Prepare and mix all the ingredient and then toss in the dressing detailed below.

(Serves 4)

½ cup extra virgin olive oil
½ lemon squeezed
2 cloves of garlic crushed
Salt and pepper to taste


The great thing about quinoa is that is can be used in so many ways. For example, instead of including a pasta accompaniment to an evening meal, why not replace it with a nutrient-dense quinoa one instead?

Many people even eat quinoa just served plain as a replacement for rice, or potatoes. Although you may also want to use it as the main ingredient of your meal, something that you can see being done in recipes like the quinoa and kale patties at


Lastly, don't think because you have a sweet tooth that you are left out when it comes to eating more quinoa. In fact, there are a wealth of recipes that are sweet that incorporate this healthy ingredient including cookies, cakes, fudge, and even pudding!

One of our most favorite sweets that uses quinoa is chocolate energy balls. These are super yummy yet healthy treats that you can make quickly at home by using the recipe at Of course, you will need to learn how to make crispies to get the right results. Something you can find out more about in the video below.

Also, making cookies from quinoa is easy too! All you need to do is cook it and then add to the other ingredients as you will see at! Basically, it's a three-step process, which mean no matter how busy you are you will still have time to fit in some more quinoa into your family's diet!