
Thursday, November 2, 2017

In Your Twenties? Let’s Learn How To Get Into Cooking

OK, guys, the party’s over. It won’t be long until we’ve left university behind and find ourselves out there in the big, bad (but also awesome!) world, and it’s high time we learned how to take care of ourselves. All the goods things in life happen when we’ve got the essentials in place, which means looking after ourselves, getting enough exercise, and eating well. But how do we achieve the last part if we’ve been eating noodles for the past three years? Below, we take a look at simple ways you can get into cooking and make it a part of your life.

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Look Up Simple Recipes

We’ll save the three-course Sunday dinners for another time. To begin with, look up those simple, easy to make delicious meals. There are plenty of nutritious options out there that you can whip up in no time. This will just get you used to spending time in the kitchen; once you’ve got your bearings, you’ll be able to tackle more advanced dishes.

Affordable, Tasty

One of the biggest misconceptions about cooking is that good food has to be expensive. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Good food is all around and never has to cost too much. Fill your cupboards with lentils, beans, hummus, and all the other delicious kitchen staples. If you have them and some Smithfield Meats, you’ll be able to create a healthy and tasty meal that won’t put a dent in your post-student life budget. So the next time your friend tells you they opt for inexpensive ready meals because they can’t afford to eat anything more nutritious, tell them they’re wrong!

Have a Tidy, Well-Prepped Kitchen

We’ve all been in some pretty horrific student digs. Indeed, this is one of the reasons students are known for not cooking: it’s impossible to find all the cooking utensils! Having a tidy kitchen, one that has all the essential cooking supplies and equipment, will make you much more likely to spend some time getting to know the art of cooking. Also, it’s just more hygienic!

The Power of Leftovers

One of the best things about cooking is the leftovers! If you make one great pot of curry or chilli, you’ll be able to eat for days. And you’ll also discover that these types of foods only become more flavoursome if they’re stored overnight. If you’re in the mood for a warming, hearty dish that’ll feed you for days, look up the best autumn chilli recipes.

Make It Fun

Like anything in life, you’ll be much more likely to get stuck into the habit of cooking if you find it enjoyable. So make it fun! Playing music, dancing around, or enjoying a glass of wine as you prepare food will show you that cooking doesn’t have to be a chore.

Final Thoughts

The motivation for a takeaway will always be there, but at some stage or another, you’re going to have to cook for yourself. Start today, and begin your journey towards a healthy lifestyle!

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