
Friday, February 21, 2020

Yes, You Do Have The Time For Healthy Meals!

Woman Slicing Gourd

If you were to ask the vast majority of people, most of us would say that we would love to eat more healthily.
After all, everyone wants to be able to live the longest, happiest, healthiest life possible. However, you'd also
likely hear a whole lot of excuses for why most people just can't possibly live a more healthy lifestyle. One of the
most common excuses that people tend to make is that they just don't have the time for healthy meals all the
time. Well, it turns out that's just not true. There are plenty of ways to make sure that you're eating healthily that
are no more difficult or time-consuming than any other meal options. Here are just a few of them.

Plan ahead
There is one word that will completely revolutionise the way that a lot of people think about their eating habits:
planning. Far too often people don't think about what they want to eat until the moment they decide to start
cooking. This not only means that you're choosing what to eat while hungry but you could also be tired and busy
at that moment. Instead, why not plan what meals you're going to be eating in advance. Not only does this
prevent unhealthy impulse decisions but it also means that you're going to have the chance to do prep for any
recipes that might take a little longer to make.

Replace ingredients
People tend to assume that they have to give up the foods they love in order to live a more healthy lifestyle. This
is not true. Instead, why not look into replacing some of the ingredients in your food with better alternatives? This
could be anything from reducing the amount of salt or sugar in your recipes to choosing things like these amazing vegan breakfast recipes. That way you can keep eating the delicious food that you love but with a few simple changes, that food will be a whole lot better for you.

Make it a family activity
One of the most common reasons why a lot of people tend not to dedicate their time to their meal planning and
cooking is that they have a family to care for. After all, trying to cook is hard enough without kids running around
you. So, instead, why not get the kids involved? Assuming that they're old enough, why not make cooking and
meal planning a family activity? This not only helps to avoid the need to divide your time up between different
things but it also helps kids feel more involved which is a great way to get them more excited about food.

Now, this is not to say that there's anything wrong with eating something that's not all that healthy from time to
time. After all, even the most ardent health nut can agree that cheat days are totally justified. It's a matter of
keeping things in balance and moderation. The moment that your cheat days slip over into becoming your
normal days, that's when you've got a problem.

Friday, February 7, 2020

So, You Want To Be A Food Blogger?

So, you want to be a food blogger? If you are someone that enjoys eating, making, and talking about
food, then becoming a food blogger may well be for you. But make no mistakes, you will need to put
in a lot of time and effort to build up your blog. 

Here are some tips to help you set up your blog and make it a success. 

Find The Right Platform

The first thing that you need to do is find a platform to host your blog. Setting up a blog site is easy
with sites like Blogger, Wix, Wordpress, and Squarespace. Before you decide which to go for, think
about the functions that you will want from your blog later on down the line. Building a blog is easy,
but migrating it later when you decide that a different platform offers more for you is trickier. 

Think about whether you will want to monetize your site as well as how much control you will want
over your search engine optimization. These things may not be on your radar yet, but as you learn
and grow they will become more relevant. Paying for hosting from a service such as bluehost will
allow you to get a free domain name and access to all of the tools you will need to really push your

Create Content Often

Once your site is up and running, you will need to create content for it on a regular basis. Ideally, you
should be posting a few times a week. Think of a variety of different articles. For example, you may
want to create posts about making your own hershey kiss cookies or compare and contrast a number
of different types of diet.

Avoid posting all of your articles at once. If you end up writing your content back-to-back, use a post
scheduler so that your posts don’t go all up at once. This keeps people coming back each day, rather
than visiting once and then forgetting about you.  

Attracting The Visitors

Great content is what visitors are looking for. But if they don’t know that you exist, then nobody will
come. Make sure that you are getting out there and sharing your posts on social media. Using your
own profile is great, but you may also want to think about creating pages on all of the major social
media sites so that you can build up a following a share your posts along with other relevant posts
your readers may like. 

Search engine optimization is also important. This involves putting relevant keywords in your posts so
that you appear in searches on Google. You should also get your site linked to other sites as much as
possible. One great way of doing this is by providing guest posts on established blogs. 

It may take time to start building up your page views, but once you start achieving good numbers you
can introduce adverts and use affiliate links to start earning money from your site.