So this is a recipe for those with a sweet tooth and who aren't afraid of gaining weight! It is the ultimate deliciously fatty food, a cookie inside a cookie and not just any cookie but an Oreo! A pretty straightforward recipe but nevertheless keep reading if your interested!
Your only going to need two ingredients, these being:
Cookie Mix
Your going to want a cookie mix, with chocolate chunks is pretty delicous and adds a whole new level of chocolateness. My all time favourite box mix that I recommend is Betty Crocker.
This time I used Chocolate Cream but Double Stuffing is the best flavour for this purpose! Strawberry Cream and of course Original Cream work well also!
Just follow the directions on the packet of your mixture to make the cookie dough.
Unpackage your Oreos and begin covering them in cookie dough.
Once you have covered your oreos, place them onto a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Now put them in the oven for a little under the recommended cooking time so that they stay a little bit gooey inside which is always a bit nicer to eat.
Once the cookies have finished cooking, cut them open to look at the awesome design and enjoy.
I love the concept behind these, it's like cookieception.